
Awareness is everything.

It may seem like a long time since we heard anything about #TheDress, last week’s viral sensation.

But a charity has turned interest in the Blue & Black or White & Gold social media conversation into a powerful message about domestic violence.

This picture was tweeted by the Salvation Army in South Africa, which said one in six women are victims of abuse.


I think it’s an outstanding use of social media to drive campaign message brilliantly and it was quickly conceived and executed. Sure the dress was “so last week”, but can’t we have it both ways? Can’t someone be clever and still make a difference in someone’s mind? Can’t someone turn #TheDress debate into something meaningful?

The stats on this campaign state 1 in 6 women suffer abuse. That’s enough for a campaign to end violence, don’t you think? Piggy back off of anything that will give the cause attention. Keep the momentum going, bring your issue to the forefront of people’s minds when the opportunities present itself. Ride on viral trends and aid discussion of issues which would otherwise get swept under the rug.

Sure, it could be better. We’re encouraged to ‘see’ the bruising, but no information is given about how to actually help women living with Domestic Violence. The campaign doesn’t link with any direct benefit to women’s organisations, refuges, services for women experiencing DV. But so many people have seen (and spoken) about this ad that even if only a quarter of them donated, I’d still consider it a success.

Is it the perfect way to campaign around an effort? Probably not. Viral is fleeting. Smart marketers don’t always chase viral. But there is a time and a place and I think the Salvation Army of South Africa did a good job at leveraging a meme that worked.

What do you think? A powerful advert or a bad idea?

– Atekka xo


Make Your Mark

As I mentioned in a earlier post, I’m working on a competition brief by D&AD. In response to the Make Your Mark brief, I’ve decided to create a two-minute self-promo video. The theme is Hard Work and Curiosity, two main features that form me as a person. I wanted to express that it’s these vital features that are my secret recipe for success. 

Deadline day is looming.

I’m balancing other university modules, work and social life so it’s been a mad rush to complete all my work on time. I wrote a script, drew storyboards, researched potential locations and made countless changes. I’ve previously created film trailers and music videos for A-level Media Studies but this is the first time I’m creating a video in a short span of time.  As I’m a born and bred Mancunian, it’s important that the video was set in Manchester and shows the vibrant city off as one of my sources of inspiration.

After days of preparation, I went out today to do all my filming. But I underestimated just how stressful it would be. I had 50 boards and initially seven locations to visit, and it took us six hours to complete. We had some struggles such as camera functioning erratically, bad weather however it was an interesting and enjoyable experience. I’ve finished filming so all that’s left to do now is edit the footage into a video that’s Yellow Pencil worthy.


Hair-Raising Subway Ad

Here’s a brilliant outdoor ad which has made the rounds for the last few days. It’s a clever and innovative outdoor ad from Sweden to promote a new line of hair care products by Apotek Hjärtat, a pharmacy brand.

Ad agency Akestam Holst and production company Stopp used interactive digital posters which recognised when trains would arrive at the station, then showed a woman’s hair blowing all around, as though windswept by the train. The tagline is ‘Make Your Hair Come Alive’. It’s a simple yet smart concept. It’s fresh, uses the element of surprise and it’s executed in a non-intrusive way.

Nearly two years ago, I came up with a very similar conceptual idea for Batiste, a dry shampoo product. It was an interactive billboard which triggered when someone walked past, the woman’s hair would begin to blow.  When I pitched the idea to my tutors, they loved it. I was told it hadn’t been done before but the technology was available to make it happen. Check out the full campaign idea over on my Behance portfolio, my work was uploaded November 2012.

Batiste Bilboard

It was one of the first briefs that I worked on for my advertising design course, which explains the basic execution. But the idea is there. I’m pretty pumped up to see it done live. The Swedish ad is clever in that the ad is trigger by the train, not just a human that walks past it. The location is perfect for the idea and really brings the idea to life. I think it’s time for me to revisit my concept and improve the execution, at the least I know my ideas have the potential to be real-world worthy.



Tell, don’t sell.

Since Christmas, I’ve been working on D&AD’s #MakeYourMark New Blood Award 2014 alongside other modules. As it’s a competition brief, I’ve been reluctant to share any work, development or otherwise on my blog. The brief is:

Share your own personal story. But don’t tell us what you think we want to hear. Explain who you are, your values, your identity, your purpose… your truth. This is telling, not selling.

  • Know who you are
  • Communicate it

You should use this opportunity to showcase your creative talent in the execution of your story.
Once you know what you want to say, impress us with how you say, show and present it.

We understand that your story is a work in progress, it’s still being written. We’re interested in your journey to date, a suggestion of what’s to come. Get people excited about your “To be continued…”.

I initially struggled to think of a story worth telling and know how exactly I stand out from the crowd. It’s considerably easier to sell a product/service than it is to sell yourself. It requires a large amount of self-analysis but also analysis by close friends and family. It does feel like you’re under the spotlight but that’s the part and parcel of the brief. Overall it’s been an interesting experience, resulting in a great insight about myself and the kind of person I am and aspire to be.

So I’ve now written a script that I think is suitable and fits the brief and I’m in the process of filming around the city of Manchester, UK. I will edit this into a video that I hope will be a strong contender in the competition. Finger crossed.

Here are some initial brainstorms and free hand lettering that I did to get the ball rolling. I used quotes that specifically relate back to me and my aspirations. Do you have any favourite quotes that inspire you? Share in the comments below 🙂

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Manchester Digital: Talent Day 2014

On Wednesday 12th February, Manchester Digital Talent Day took place at Manchester Town Hall. Part of the Digital Skills Festival, Talent Day gives people looking for jobs in the digital, creative and marketing sector the opportunity to meet and chat with potential future employers.

The summit is organised by Manchester Digital – the independent association for digital business – with the support of Manchester City Council, the Manchester Metropolitan University, and in partnership with all four local universities and local colleges.

 So on Wednesday, I went down to Manchester Town Hall to take part in the biggest digital careers fair in the North. It was a great day and an insightful experience. I had the opportunity to speak and hand out my CV to a range of agencies such as BJL, McCann Manchester, Delineo and Access AdvertisingIt was awesome to meet like-minded people and receive valuable advice and guidance. Overall it made me evaluate what my career aims are and what department I would like to work in. Although my course has moulded me as an advertising creative, I have experience working as a content writer and I’m open to what role I can play. Check out my LinkedIn for further info about me.

The recruitment fair took place in Manchester Town Hall. It’s a truly beautiful building, especially in terms of architecture, history and character. The juxtaposition of light and dark is remarkable. I particularly loved the staircases! Here are a few mobile throw-away photos I took,

Atekka xo

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