
Life is not a race.

Childhood is the most fun part in a person’s life. This is where we experience a lot of things that we can no longer experience in adulthood. Whenever I look back on my childhood, I often reminisce about when we used to have fights with another kid just because of a sandwich or a crayon. When we become very happy with small amounts of money given by our parents.

As a young girl, I remember the joys of playing Kickball, singing & dancing to pop songs and generally having a laugh. I would fall asleep curled up in bed reading Harry Potter & Matilda every night, believing that magic is real.

I have alot of wonderful childhood memories of spending time with my friends and going to the corner shop to buy paper bags full of penny sweets. Then there were the days we would go to the local swimming pool by coach, singing “Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar?”. And then our daily Islamic Studies & Qur’an class at the mosque where we played tig instead. During warmer months, we would beg the teacher to let us water the flowers which would turn into a big water fight. Those were the good times. The good old days.

Reminiscing about those good old days really makes me smile. But it’s pretty crazy that now, we’re all adults who share common problems and responsibilities. We are now on a different chapter of our lives. 

We’re all at different stages of growing up, graduating, getting married, building a career and a family. But I just feel like I’m stuck staring at my rearview mirror rather than getting my life into gear and focusing on the future. I need to remember that there are a lot of new things to discover and better days are still to come.

Do not let your years slip through your fingers by living in the past, nor in the future.
              By living your life one day at a time, you live all the days of your life.

Do not dismiss your dreams.
         To be without dreams is to be without hope; to be without hope is to be without purpose.

Do not run through life so fast that you forget not only where you have been,
         but also where you are going.

Life is not a race,
           but a journey to be savored each step of the way.

And you, how about your childhood? Do you have any favourite memories?

– Atekka xo


Life & Death.

Goodbye and thank you Terry Pratchett. For the words that inspire hope, for the gift of laughter and the deeper understanding of life.

“Did you not know that a man is not dead while his name is still spoken?”

His death is a stark reminder that life is fragile, ephemeral, fickle. We will all undoubtedly die one day but what truly matters is our legacy. What are we leaving behind?  How will we continue to benefit others once we’re buried 6 feet under. Food for thought.

“No-one is actually dead until the ripples they cause in this world die away”

…May we all produce ripples that last forever.


Awareness is everything.

It may seem like a long time since we heard anything about #TheDress, last week’s viral sensation.

But a charity has turned interest in the Blue & Black or White & Gold social media conversation into a powerful message about domestic violence.

This picture was tweeted by the Salvation Army in South Africa, which said one in six women are victims of abuse.


I think it’s an outstanding use of social media to drive campaign message brilliantly and it was quickly conceived and executed. Sure the dress was “so last week”, but can’t we have it both ways? Can’t someone be clever and still make a difference in someone’s mind? Can’t someone turn #TheDress debate into something meaningful?

The stats on this campaign state 1 in 6 women suffer abuse. That’s enough for a campaign to end violence, don’t you think? Piggy back off of anything that will give the cause attention. Keep the momentum going, bring your issue to the forefront of people’s minds when the opportunities present itself. Ride on viral trends and aid discussion of issues which would otherwise get swept under the rug.

Sure, it could be better. We’re encouraged to ‘see’ the bruising, but no information is given about how to actually help women living with Domestic Violence. The campaign doesn’t link with any direct benefit to women’s organisations, refuges, services for women experiencing DV. But so many people have seen (and spoken) about this ad that even if only a quarter of them donated, I’d still consider it a success.

Is it the perfect way to campaign around an effort? Probably not. Viral is fleeting. Smart marketers don’t always chase viral. But there is a time and a place and I think the Salvation Army of South Africa did a good job at leveraging a meme that worked.

What do you think? A powerful advert or a bad idea?

– Atekka xo




I’m a proud born & bred Mancunian and I truly love my city. I could travel all around the globe yet there’s nowhere else in this world that could match the feeling of home. 

I recently captured the above photo of The Wheel of Manchester, in Piccadilly Gardens. Its colours and vibrancy remind me of all the different types of peoples, languages and cultures that exist in Manchester. And how this diversity come together to make a beautiful connected city. Colour, in all respects, is what Manchester does so well; one of many reasons why I love this place. 


I also find that the busy city streets are a source of hope, a reminder to look past our worries and see the bigger picture. Impossible as it may seem,  the earth keeps spinning, people come and go, seasons change and we have to make the choice to keep moving forward. 

Things will get better.

Atekka x

P.s All-day breakfast makes me happy.

Moose Coffee, MCR


Kindness is Strength.

A kind man benefits himself. 

In a world where being self-centred is applauded, it’s a shame that we can only nurture acts of kindness by reminding people of the benefit it will bring to them.

Why can’t we do good without expecting something in return? Why can’t we be caring simply for the sake of being caring? Why do we complain that we have no time to listen to others when we spend our days & nights seeking an audience to promote ourselves?

In a world where kindness has become a lost commodity, let’s break the mould and nurture values of compassion, friendliness & generosity. There’s a popular saying that goes something like, “Don’t mistake my kindness for weakness.” These days I see kindness as a strength, and those who consistently practice it as my role models.

In a world where we spend a lot of time around people but don’t truly care about their thoughts & feelings, let’s break the mould and learn to pay attention. Rather than look for an audience or a stream of sidekicks, seek deeper lasting connections. Ask sincere questions and watch how their faces light up when they speak about their hobbies/ romantic interests / job / travels etc. 

Kindness doesn’t always have to be a major event. It doesn’t take a lot of time to hold the door open for the mum with her arms full, or to smile at an enderly citizen as you pass by on the street. Strive to be the better person, do small acts of goodness, fit compassion into your daily life and blessings will undoubtedly come to you.

I like to think that practicing kindness creates ripples of goodwill that extend far beyond the original gesture, but perhaps the most motivating reason to be kind is how good it can make us feel. 

“By making others happy, you make yourself happy. The key to your heart lies hidden in the heart of another.

Atekka xo
